Category Archives: Admin

What’s happening on MySQL: MySQL commands from the command line

A site is seeing issues that are most likely their bad code (known history), lots of errant php and loads of db activity, so to check this out I used PHPmyadmin on the server and a bunch of commands from here, so thanks to that person for making that page 🙂


Plesk (linux) PHP Spammer

You may well get notification of spam leaving your server.

Check the mail queue and the mail in question, it should give you the user id and domain where the spam originates from and sometimes a file name.

If not try…

It is usually very difficult to discover the source of spam. If you are absolutely sure that a script is sending the spam (because the tail grows rapidly for no apparent reason), you can use the following script to determine which PHP scripts are currently running:

# lsof +r 1 -p `ps axww | grep httpd | grep -v grep | awk ‘ { if(!str) { str=$1 } else { str=str”,”$1}}END{print str}’` | grep vhosts | grep php


this is from here…

Putty Desktop Shortcuts

Here’s one way of automating logging into via ssh in windows…

Make a folder

Open the folder

Right click

Select ‘New’ then ‘Shortcut’

It will ask for the location of the item, make sure this points to where putty is on your computer

C:\Users\Yourusername\SSH\putty.exe -ssh root@xx.xx.xx.xx -pw xxxxxxxxx

Then give it an appropriate name and bingo bongo!

Oh yeah, back that folder up regular, I just deleted all of mine accidentally, i cried inside.